FEBRUARY 20TH, 2016 6:00 PM.
Maria Penela wrote to us and declined to attend. None of the other incumbents or board members took the time to respond to the invitation. This is not a political position and it should not cause so much anger or animosity toward us. It is not we against them. We are all owners that care. This is a community service non-paying position. We all discovered quickly about professionalism, lack of transparency and who really care about the Hemispheres.
The coalition believes in empowering the owners through the owners involvement in the following committees to name some: Finance, Budget, Legal, Social, Rules and regulations, Security, Bids, Election and so on.
Rules and regulations
A ninety-year young owner of (2) three bedrooms units describe that she uses one unit and the other unit is empty most of the time. Her twenty year old granddaughter wanted to visit her with a couple of her friends for the weekend. So she went to the office to get access cards in advance and was denied access cards. She was told that she has to go with her guests everywhere to allow them access to the pool or to Roman's snack bar etc. She asked “how can I do so when I use a walker and I am Ninety (90) years old.” “They might want to go swimming at 8:00 AM go back take a shower and then go back down to Roman, I am supposed to do all of that with them?”
Martha Pena and the General manager told her rules are rules. How can the Association require her to go everywhere on the premises with her granddaughter and friends for the weekend? It made no sense to anyone.
Another owner could not get his common law wife registered at the Hemispheres even though his wife is recognized everywhere a such. So she still has no card.
We heard about owners’ parking spaces being taken away, given to renters and the owners have to circle to find space or drive across to the other side to park.
We heard about our camera surveillance cost going up through the roof and two new cameras have just been installed directly to view Martha and Maria’s cars only while the driving lanes have no cameras.
Proposed amendments.
The Coalition candidates committed themselves that no intrusive Amendments will be passed while they are on the board.
If any amendment is needed it would have to be researched by an owners’ committee first. The recommendations and finding of the committee would be presented to the board. Afterward it would have to be discussed in an open meeting for input by owners including the snowbirds. It should be further reviewed and modified by the board based on such input. Only then it can be drafted and send for a vote to the owners. The current board wasted too much money by introducing amendments that were not discussed and were not to the benefit of the owners. They were never discussed in an open meeting prior to the vote and were not in compliance with the open sunshine act. There is no record of board minutes found for that vote yes recommendation by the board. They did not abide by the bylaws and the 718 Florida statutes by proposing these amendments without an open meeting.
Board term limits.
A committee of owners will be formed to decide the best way to set a limit for how long a board member can serve. It was mentioned that long-term board members could lead to major abuse of power and strong control by such board members. These board members become too comfortable and loose touch with the owners.
In addition the Coalition candidates felt that the committees would be a perfect way to groom candidates and provide a future source of Board members that are familiar with the Hemispheres. Currently there is no real functioning committee.
Current finance committe.
We told at the meeting that the finance committee composed of Martha and Mr. David Heskel only met once for the 2016 budget. It was a shock as we have an eleven millions dollars budget. That explains many concerns we have.
No Proper Planning
There has been a constant waste of money due to the lack of understanding and proper planning for major and small expenditures. Too many costs over run as specifications and proper request of proposals were not properly drafted or even drafted at all.
Refusal to have the owners involved
Owners with experience in the field that offered to help the board were told it was not necessary.
A Hemispheres owner with a Masters Degree in Architecture reported that she has offered at a Board meeting to review and evaluate the plans for the Lobby Renovation project before bids are requested. She was told that the project was too small with expected cost around $150,000. It was considered just a maintenance, therefore plans and bidding are not necessary. She was presented instead with a picture – rendering of the lobby of Malaga Towers Condominium and advised to use her imagination.
Another owner, an Interior Designer in Canada has also requested to review and evaluate the specifications on the Lobby Renovation project. She was told that she was not allowed to see them because it would be a conflict of interest with her professional business experience as an Interior Designer, even though she works in Canada.
We wonder how current board members - the President of the Board and the Treasurer don’t consider a conflict of interest to advertise their Real Estate services only in the Hallandale and Hollywood area where The Hemispheres condominium is located and derive an income from Hemispheres Real Estate. That drew some laugh from the audience.
Proper planning is a key for project success. Planning requires clear understanding of the project scope, provides the ability to control cost and time, and sets clear expectations for the final outcome. Without planning the project expenses can run wild without being able to hold anyone accountable. Owners with experience in the field should be encouraged to provide their professional expertise in an effort to find the most cost effective solution for our money."
News to an owner
An owner that only comes to the Hemispheres occasionally never heard of the coalition. The reason is that we do not have everyone emails. She saw our website just before the meeting and decided to attend. She was very thankful and indicated that owners like herself had no idea what was really going on at the Hemispheres. She confided to all of us that all she saw and knew was the constant praise and accomplishments claimed in the Newsletter. She promised to vote for the Coalition candidates after hearing the owners present and what the Hemispheres has become under the current board.
The owners present felt that the lack of attendance by the current incumbent board members spoke loud and clear. They also were very disappointed in the earlier format under the Board supervision.
A new culture at the management office.
A new culture would be instituted in the office to help the owners. Currently a very common answer is come back tomorrow or he/she is busy, is on the phone excuses or will get back to you. Empowering the General manager and staff, allowing them to make decisions is the best way to have a happy staff. Staff retention is important for good customer service. We have a constant turnover of the staff including five General Managers in the last five years which is illogical. The turnover speaks loud to the lack of the hiring experience by this board. The employee turnover is costing us money and provides poor service to the owners.
We will continue with more questions and answers from the meeting. It was a 2.5-hour meeting.
Please sign in again to read more.
Report of January 13th 2016, board meeting.
About 100 owners were present at yesterday’s meeting, which was one of the largest turnout for a board meeting. I wish to thank you all for your collaboration and support.
Although we had to insist and it wasn’t easy, we were able to achieve more results than we could in the past. We believe the management is starting to take the coalition seriously.
We achieved the following :
1. The minutes of the previous meeting were read before approval. Consequently, the owners present could realize, as I had explained during my January 7th financial presentation, that there was indeed a special assesment voted in upon November 18th in the amount of $1, 253 218, which was paid by using the settlement proceeds from the Regency by crediting each unit’s share of the $1, 253 218 to these funds.
(We wish to mention that the minutes of multiple meetings were approved (September 16th, November 4th and November 18th). Usually, the minutes of a meeting is to be adopted at the following meeting. The fact that multiple minutes were adopted leads us to suppose that the minutes are not systematically written after every meeting. We believe it should be done in a well organized administration.)
2. The general manager, Mr Ivan Paredes, committed to the following :
a. « We will be adding both the agenda and the minutes of all future meetings (along with the minutes that will be approved tonight from the meeting held on Nov. 18, 2015) on our website. »
b. Mr Parades also announced that the Hemispheres’ association is updating its website to populate it with information. I met with him this afternoon and offered my help and he responded he would like for me to look at the association’s new website and offer suggestions.
Yesterday’s meeting was uneventful during the business at hand that was quickly approved until the board opened the floor for discussion. Owner after owner came forward with the different concern they had and the list was long.
The following were some of the concerns, but not limited to : the new housekeeping company cleaning performance, the storage bins that were taken away and their contents lost, the parking spaces, the continuous leaks in the garage, the transponders, the treatment of the owners guests by the security guards, the enforcement of the beach towel on the chair if a small corner part of the chair is exposed, the continuous litigative attitude towards the owners and its cost.
The topic of the next election was brought up. The coalition and owners asked for the formation of an independent committee to overview the process of the election and level the field for all the candidates. We are awaiting a response.
The solicitation was made that all the running candidates be given a half page in the February newsletter to introduce themselves to the owners. In that spirit the request was made that the outgoing president should relinquish the front page to the management office. In addition, it was mentioned that in prior elections the security guards and other individuals were permitted to put flyers under the door on behalf of the board members, but not all candidates. Mrs Maria Penela, the president, denied the statement. When confronted by multiple owners that it did and does happen, she called Mr. Howie Levine a liar publicly. Mr Levine statement was confirmed by other owners. I. myself, did find such documents under my door in past elections.
As the founder of the coalition, I stood up and went to the microphone and objected to the characterization of Mr. Levine as he is an owner well respected by a large number of owners and I felt it was unfair and unappropriate to attack his reputation this way.
The coalition is very concerned as to such behavior by the President. Many owners were shocked to witness such conduct and vocalization publicly of a respected owner by the president Mrs Maria Penela.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Braulio (Pepe) Pena, the husband of the treasurer, Mrs Martha Pena, decided on his own to defend the board and asked if the owners felt that anyone was stealing any money. It was a very strange statement but the audience immediately responded « No » very loudly. It was puzzling, to say the least, to introduce such a statement on a subject that was never raised.
Once again, thank you all for your much appreciated collaboration and support. Alone, an owner can’t achieve anything, but together, we can achieve the results that will benefit the whole community.
Posted Jnuary 8th, 2016
Welcome Reception
The Hemispheres Owners Coalition had a very successful meeting on January 7th at the Ocean Room Terrace. Owners were given a financial presentation and they spoke about their personal experience at the Hemispheres. Even the Coalition learned things it did not know.
The meeting lasted over 2.5 hours and many questions were asked and answered by close to 150 owners. Delicious home made Italian Pizza, cookies and refreshments were served.
Full report
We will inform you in greater detail what financial information was discussed at the meeting as soon as we are able to put together a complete report.
Posted November 27th, 2105
Nov 4th meeting was the first time that the board required owner's ID to attend.
Owner's were not allowed to speak at the member's meeting. When the member's requested to speak the board adjourned and left. So the owners decided to listen to a presentation by the Coalition founder. Two board member's came back and were listening.
The board send the security guards to have the owners dispersed but the security guards did not comply with the board request as security felt the owners were in the common elements, respectful and entitled to be there. The board strategy failed as the owners were non confrontational and the guards were witnesses to it. Listen to the 3 misleading calls to 911 that the board made. In the call to 911 the truth comes out as the caller states : You must break up that meeting, that meeting must stop." The Board claimed that the owners were having heated arguments , rioting, and suspected to have a gun. The security guards substantiated that owners were peaceful and not armed to the police officers.
The full police report states that the owners were peaceful and non confrontational.
Why does the board resort to such techniques to prevent the owners from speaking to each others after they left?
Not a single owner was asked to witness or count the last minutes proxies. The board and the management had counted all the prior proxies prior to the meeting.
Where is the transparency when we find no minutes of an open meeting to recommend a Yes vote. No date or time are found. The Sunshine statutes and our bylaws were not honored. Why?
911 Misleading report - Click to hear the 3 different calls.
Each call has more misleading information than the prior one.
Why? Just to stop an owner meeting?
Security Everywhere
The ballroom hallways and stairways were completely blocked by security and even a Hallandale Policeman was there. Owners were sent back to get their ID if they did not have it with them. Many owners felt intimidated especially after the false police report of Nov 4th about the riot and someone having a gun. Read the police report. The Board complains that the owners do not attend . Is that a way to encourage attendance when they do?
Reserve Meeting
Budget meeting
Special assessment
Posted November 27th, 2105
The Board bring in Lawyer to answer budget questions
There was over $750,000 that could be saved in the budget. The board was not in compliance with our bylaws as they did not follow the Robert Rules of order. The attorney chose to allow some owners to speak multiple times while denying such right to others. They also chose to limit to 3 minutes some owners but allowed others longer time. We encourage everyone to attend the meetings to see how the board conduct the meetings. At least one of the owner who was denied his second question wanted to point how and where substantial saving in the budget could be instituted. The attorney denied him the ability to ask the question and later on another subject insisted on answering a budget question billing the owners at $350 to $450 an hour and traveling time.