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The incumbents'candidates have finally realized that the Coalition and its Candidates have the support of the majority of the owners. These outgoing candidates do not seem to believe in democracy so they started to theaten to cancel the election.  


On Sunday February the 20th, the Security guard company was instructed to insert in the mdiddle of the night the attached scaring notice to all the owners.  The only two Hemispheres board officers that could activate such a request are Maria Penela and Martha Pena. The allegations in the notice have not and cannot been substantiated.  See the attached notice.


In the past years we had known that some of the current board members have gone from unit to unit to collect the votes from the elderly who have been told that any change would be harmful and would lead to problems.  We understand that this year due to our efforts many of the owners have told the incumbents that they are now voting for us, or that they already mailed their ballot which represents a major change from the last few elections.  We even have been told that some owners told them flatly that they were dissatisfied from many of the decisions made including the proposed amendments, the Regency project decision, the lack of transparency and the waste of money and therefore will not be voting for them.  That got the incumbents very worried .


To verify these unsubstantiated claims in the unsigned notice by the Association, Tom Gleeson a Coalition candidate went to the office and met with Ivan. He requested information as to who was doing it.  Ivan responded that he had 3 individuals reporting such events. When asked for details, Ivan responded that he had no information to provide because the alledged informants did not remember or know.  It sounded like a very convenient way to move toward to attempt to cancel the election without any substantiation or proof.


Ivan admitted in writing that he serves at the leisure of the board which explains all of his actions.  He was instructed to send an email to undisclosed recepients on Monday February 22nd after business hours. The email claims that owners are knocking on doors to collect ballots leaving the Management no other alternative but to cancel the elections if it continues. See email attached below.


On Wednesday February 24th at 8:45PM after working hours Ivan received new instructions to send a second email informing the four Coalitions' candidates and other undisclosed recipients in the email that unamed candidates are the one doing so as he stated:" pressuring them to vote on their behalf." Read for yourself how desperate are the outgoing candidates to make such allegations. 


The coalition candidates were warned that the incumbents will stop at nothing to retain their positions. So we were already prepared to protect the election and the wil of the many owners that spoke out.  We had known of a number of irregularities that the incumbents seem to have done but chose to temporarly inot disclose it.  On Thursday February the 25th the prestigious law firm of Fox Rotschild LLP on behalf of the Coalition put on notice the Association throu Becker and Polliakof some of the known irregularity that the ougoing candidates have engaged in and that under the Statutes these board members could be held personally liable. The notice also requested proof and documentation of any allegations made in the notice and emails if the board leadership proceed to cancel the election. Please see attached legal notice.

A large number of owners have been  sending us emails, calling us on the phone to report the level of dissatisfaction that they have with the rules and regulations that this board leadership instituted. The Rules o finquiriy that prevent transparency, the rules on family visiting, preventing family from having access cards, their parking being taken away and given to the restaurants instead, the list is long. The emails slso covered the treatment the owners receive in the office, the contineous delay in getting their deposit back, the unilateral decisons made by the officers of the board on many issues without full board approval. The owners have supplied us with threatening letters sent to them by Becker and Poliakoff to intimidate them into not speaking out by stating that the owners were a nuisance. The number of owners experiencing such tactics have been growing which lead to the cooalition being formed and speaking out

See below the notices and the emails referred to above.

Notice slipped under the owners' door

© 2015 by the The Hemispheres Owner's Coalition

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Email dated Feb. 22, 2016

Email dated Feb. 24, 2016

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