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Founder of Coalition Welcome,

Thank you for your moral support and financial commitment. We have done everything we should do to approach our board.   As you are all aware all we asked for is transparency.  


For five years we have asked for a working website with useful information on it. The board claims that they have been working on it. We even offered to pay for it and the board leadership declined. This Coalition website was created in less than 12 hours.


After the amendments were not adopted by the owners the board chose not to allow any discussion.  So under the Member's rule of meeting we chose to continue the meeting. The board was not in favor and walked out.  Two board members remained to listen.  The board leadership called the security guards to have us removed forcefully. The security guards declined to do so because we were peaceful and in the Common elements. When we did not confront then the board and management made 3 misleading 911 calls saying they had a riot in the Ballroom and suspected that someone had a gun. Unfortunately for the board everyone was peaceful sitting down and listening to the presentation as confirmed by the Police report. 


We have grown in membership to over 25% of the ownership and everyday more owners are joining us. It is a great accomplishment as most owners are not aware of us yet .

On the November 18th meeting the leadership of the board  brought an attorney to respond to budget questions. He also was not abiding by the Robert rules of orders when we tried to speak.  All we wanted to do, at the budget meeting, was to point out which line items we identified to to be able to reduce our maintenance fees and dues. The board refused to listen. 





Nabih Mangoubi

Founder of the Coalition

Our Philosophy

“Do not find fault, find a remedy.” — Henry Ford


“Information is a negotiator’s greatest weapon.” — Victor Kiam


It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It’s that they can’t see the problem.” — G.K. Chesterton

Our History

The owners started the Coalition  when the amendments were introduced and we were hoping to be done when they did not pass.

Since then the board lack of communications increased despite contrary claim. The board made misleading police 911 calls to prevent the owners from discussing issues.

So now we continue to be involved to protect all of our rights long term.

© 2015 by the The Hemispheres Owner's Coalition

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Email dated Feb. 22, 2016

Email dated Feb. 24, 2016

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